Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Book Fair Game Changer

A shoutout and big thank you to our Scholastic Book Fairs field rep for central Arkansas...the very wonderful...Melissa Freeman! After school today, she fed a bunch of tired librarians, booktalked for us, handed out some cool prizes, and shared many helpful tips for fall!

The BEST ONE (in my opinion) was this wish list trick for the littles who aren't quite able to write yet. 

Have your students pick a book or two for their wish lists. Switch into training mode on the cash register. Then, ring each student up as a cash sale. Pull off the receipt and staple it onto the student's book fair flyer or printed wish list -- and he or she is all set! The kids will have a way to share about what they'd like to buy -- and the sales tax will be added in for the parent's convenience! Brilliant, right?!

I'm LOVING this fall's theme... what do you think?

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