Saturday, August 25, 2018

Does your LMC need a BRAVO board?

Hello! I hope your school year has gotten off to a great start... OR... I wish you blessings as you BEGIN 2018-2019 in the next few weeks! We just finished WEEK 2, and even the kindergarten kids are starting to settle down a bit.

My amazing teaching team -- lovingly known around school as #SPECIALS -- and made up of library, music, art, gifted-and-talented, and PE teachers -- joined together last year to make our behavior management a little more cohesive for the students. We even have our own behavior form home -- with an auto-carbon copy! (Fancy, huh?!)

I'm the last one to get my BRAVO board finished and hung up, I'm afraid, but I think it turned out pretty well... and the kids are enjoying it. (Actually, so am I!)

 I created four goal cards and spent a lot of time explaining my expectations during the kids' first library visit. I started every class out with two fuzzies in their classroom pockets... and some classes lost those the very first week! (Yikes.) BUT... I think I made my point on expectations and proved that I was serious. Things were much better during our second week together.

After I posted my photo on "That Library Girl's" Facebook page and on "That.Library.Girl's" Instagram this morning, I began to receive some questions about how I did this... or where I bought that. So, I typed up a little TpT freebie to explain where I purchased everything that I used for my BRAVO board, what I use as "prizes" -- and I threw in a copy of my goal icon cards, too! You can grab it at my TpT store...

Hope your school year gives you lots of opportunities to say, "BRAVO!"

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