Thursday, December 6, 2018

Hour of Code 2018

Whoa...I feel like this school year is flying by -- don't you?! Computer Science Education Week snuck up on me this year! Fortunately, library media specialists in my state were asked to merge the new Arkansas Computer Science Frameworks into our library media lesson plans this fall. So, in the first week of December, we happen to be at a good spot to introduce a fun binary code project that's perfect for Hour of Code!

My fourth graders were ready to tackle framework "D.4.4.2 Use 0’s and 1’s to represent data (e.g., encode and decode a word with 0’s and 1’s)." I wanted them to gain some background knowledge before working on an ornament project using their initials. A little homemade PowePoint guided my lesson points, some group practice got our brains moving in the right direction, and finally, I sent them to tables to work in pairs or individually.  
I loved the glare on this picture because I think it represents the chorus of "OHHHH!"s that I kept hearing as they began to talk it out and work together. You could practically see the light bulbs dancing above their heads! 

My ornament idea was pretty much 100% scrapped in favor of bracelets, but no worries here. My fourth graders have a pretty sound, if basic, understanding of binary code! So...  #feelingaccomplished

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